Network Tasman

Network Connection Application Form


  • Five (5) working days must be allowed to process this application
  • To be completed by the person accepting responsibility for any costs incurred by this application
  • Where necessary, this installation must comply with AS/NZS 3000, the current Electricity Regulations, the Network Tasman Distributions Code and must be certified and inspected prior to livening or re-livening
  • Once this NCA is approved by Network Tasman it is then y our responsibility to arrange a time and date with your nominated Accredited Contractor for Connection, to visit site and complete the works
  • Easement Route: All necessary electrical easements must be registered prior to NCA approval
  • This application may incur costs from any of the following: Network Tasman; The nominated Accredited Contractor for Connection; The Energy Retailer; An Auditor; Others. It is your responsibility to determine these costs from the respective companies prior to proceeding with this application
  • The Electrician should not install the mains cable until the connection point and phasing have been approved by Network Tasman
  • Network Tasman recommend a meter box size of 600H x 400W x 200D to accommodate a typical meter depth of 115mm


Note: Please select one of the following fields